噶瑪巴渣男真面目之三 The Karmapa's True Face of Being a Douche III


The Karmapa's True Face of Being a Douche

Session Three

(For English, please scroll down.)

2018年6月底噶瑪巴在紐約市Dominick Hotel預定酒店房間預備發生性關係,然而鄔幸兒猶豫不願進房,噶瑪巴責備鄔幸兒動作太慢,並以高姿態口吻要求她「聽話照辦」,否則以後「沒有機會」。噶瑪巴傲慢作風猶如古代封建帝王,私下輕浮真面目,原形畢露。

The Karmapa booked rooms in Dominick Hotel in New York City planning to have sex with Wu Hang Yee, yet Wu hesitated and didn't go into the hotel room. Later with arrogant attitude, the Karmapa scolded her that she acted too slow and demanded her to obey his words immediately, otherwise she would not have second chance to have sex with him in the future. The Karmapa acted like an emperor in Middle Ages and his true face of a frivolous jerk was completely revealed in the recordings on Line app.

