Justice Has Come & The Truth Revealed | 正義降臨 真相大白
Million thanks to Taiwan court. Jane Huang wins over the case. It is all done. Everything is well recorded in details in the Taiwan judiciary database.
萬分感謝台灣法院。Jane Huang贏了這個案子。這一切都完成了。一切都在台灣司法機構的數據庫中有了詳細的記錄。
This court case can be searched from https://law.judicial.gov.tw/FJUD/default.aspx
這個法庭案件可以從https://law.judicial.gov.tw/FJUD/default.aspx 搜尋。
The key words for the search of the court judgments for the fist instance and the second instance are 大寶法王.
呈堂證供揭妙融法師驚人言論的背後真相 Court Evidence Exposed Truth Behind Venerable Miao Ron's Terrifying Words
台灣受害人黃女士揭開驚人內幕 二審呈堂資料顯示妙融法師與及聖潔的大寶法王噶瑪巴故意誤導輿論
Taiwan Victim Ms Huang Reveals Shocking Inside Story. Second Trial Information Shows Venerable Miao Ron & His Holiness Karmapa Deliberately Misled Public Opinion
驚人!噶瑪巴指示釋妙融誤導輿論來視聽掩蓋醜聞!The Karmapa asked Shi Miao Ron mislead the public opinion on the sex scandal!
The other batch of messages presented by Lodro Rinchen were his wechat messages with Shi Miao Ron, who is the Karmapa’s translator and the CEO of Hwa-Yue Foundation, the main organization of the Karmapa’s education courses and Monlam host unit in Taiwan. In those messages, Shi Miao Ron forwarded Lodro Rinchen that a person nicknamed “First Treasure”, whom they proclaimed was the 17th Karmapa himself. This First Treasure telling Miao Ron that, “She is just imagining.” And Miao Ron then replies, “If so, it is easy to deal with (the news).” And that, “We will not response to the news coverage but we can try to influence and mislead the public’s opinion.” "Miao Ron then told Lodro Rinchen that " We just say that we don't know her and have no idea about this thing, just like an agency in the entertaining industry." Such horrifying conversations were taken as firm evidences for Lodro Richen to submit to the court, trying to convince the judge that Jane Huang was indeed a mental patient. Just because the evidences are basically based on “because his guru said so,” and therefore his behavior to spread the misinformation with stickers for dummies is not guilty but legit. How ignorant these gurus and lamas and staff could be regarding the legal common sense?
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