# UnmaskingKarmapa Video No. 5 Religious Brainwashing & Cyber Sexual Act # 揭開噶瑪巴的真面目(第五集) 宗教洗腦與網路性行為

In this # Unmasking Karmapa Video No. 5, Wu Hang-yee has shared her experience of how she had been influenced by Vajrayana theories, while she was being deceived and manipulated maliciously in the tricks of the 17th Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje. This video has elaborated how the Karmapa’s soft tactic, spreading the teachings of guru worship practice, pressurized and made Wu Hang-yee confused, lost and eventually surrendered in the toxic relationship made by the Karmapa. 

在本集 # 揭開噶瑪巴的真面目第五集的視頻中,鄔幸兒分享了她被第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴鄔金聽列多傑的伎倆所瞞騙和惡意操縱時,如何被金剛乘理論所影響的經歷。這段視頻詳細闡述了噶瑪巴的軟性策略——傳播皈依上師、虔敬上師、崇拜上師的教法——是如何逼使鄔幸兒感到困惑、迷失,並最終在噶瑪巴製造的有毒關係中投降。
