Karmapa’s Sweet Conspiracy Exposed by WU Hang-yee (UmK Vid No. 4) | 噶瑪巴甜蜜的陰謀詭計 鄔幸兒述說# 揭開噶瑪巴的真面目(第四集)

#UnmaskingKarmapa Video No. 4 #揭開噶瑪巴的真面目 第四集

Wu Hang-yee has shared her experiences of being seduced and tricked into a confusing and abnormal secretive relationship prior to being sexually abused with a series of secret tactics used by the 17th Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje for controlling people for his personal gain and pleasures. Wu Hang-yee has analyzed the tactics that the Karmapa used into two types: 1. Soft tactics and 2. tough tactics. In this # Unmasking Karmapa Video No.4, Wu Hang-yee exposed the soft tactics Karmapa has used to prey on her for sexual abuse. Finally, Karmapa’s hidden malicious conspiracy is being brought to light.

鄔幸兒分享了她在遭受第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴鄔金聽列多傑性侵害之前所經歷的一系列被噶瑪巴施以秘密手段誘使至迷惑並陷入於一段困惑且異常的秘密關係中。噶瑪巴用來控制人的陰謀詭計,是為了達到私人利益與享樂。鄔幸兒將噶瑪巴所使用的手段分析為兩種:1.軟性手段,和2.硬性手段。在本集 # 揭開噶瑪巴的真面目第四集的視頻中,鄔幸兒揭露了大寶法王噶瑪巴以性虐待為目的的獵女柔和戰術。噶瑪巴的隱密罪惡陰謀終於敗露了。
